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Navigating the Complexities of Race for African American Couples
Where: https://washingtonschoolofpsychiatry.wildapricot.org/event-4934683
When: September 24, 2022
9:00AM Introduction & Welcome
9:05AM Who am I and Why Does it Matter: Social Location"
Presentation by Marjorie Nightingale, PhD, JD, LMFT,
10:10 Break out Discussion Groups
10:25 Break
10:40 Creating a Real Therapeutic Space: Making space for Therapy
11:30 Questions and Answers and Wrap-up
Program Description
This workshop will address how to navigate the complexities of race for African American couples by helping clinicians to identify their own self of the therapist biases, examine common barriers in African American couples to accessing vulnerable emotions, and identy strategies for building a strong therapeutic alliance.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Identify 3 self of the therapist biases that may impact working with African American couples.
Identify 4 barriers of African American couples that interfere with accessing vulnerable emotions.
Describe 2 strategies for building a strong therapeutic alliance with African American couples.